Why Do We Like Damon Salvatore?
Any one familiar with Vampire Diaries, either with the book or the TV soap would know what I mean. Damon Salvatore is the anti-hero in the story. He is vile, ruthless, merciless and takes advantage of people's weaknesses. He is a BAD vampire. Yet, we love him. Why? There are many other such examples in the books/movies we read - Severus Snape of HP, Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights, Shylock of Merchant of Venice. A few of them, but we have rooted for them in the books. We shouldn't have. Afterall, they are the villians in the story. They are bad and mean. What makes them special? A redeeming act - Often our anti-heroes have one or more weak spots that endears to us. Because of that one weakness, they do good things that normally a hero does. We call it their redeeming act. It redeems them from their bad future. For example, Damon Salvatore is a bad vampire but his redeeming act was his love for Elena. He would do good things for her, even if it means he dies. Similarly,...